Professionally, with discretion and in a language you can understand.
We provide effective and creative solutions.
Every detail counts.
10 reasons,
to choose the legal services of the law firm LOVÁSZ LEGAL:
10 reasons,
to choose the legal services of the law firm LOVÁSZ LEGAL
Our Services
Business law
➤ establishment of business companies, design of a suitable form of business (preparation of documentation in several languages according to the client's needs) ➤ registration of changes in the Commercial Register, representation in commercial disputes ➤ consulting in business transactions, M&A ➤ liquidation of commercial companies ➤ representation in bankruptcy and reorganization proceedings ➤ drawing up business contracts ➤ consultancy for e-shops and startups ➤ processing of legal opinions according to the client's assignment
Civil law
➤ preparation and revision of contracts ➤ representation in civil litigation and inheritance proceedings ➤ claiming damages and non-pecuniary damage, unjust enrichment ➤ complete coverage of the real estate transfer (consultancy, preparation of contracts, verification of signatures or authorization of the real estate transfer contract, securing the safekeeping of funds on the deposit account of our office, submission of a deposit proposal and communication with the land registry office) ➤ advice on land readjustment, representation in real estate disputes
Criminal law
➤ defense throughout the criminal proceedings ➤ emphasis on a complete review of all the possibilities that we can use in the defense of the client at any given stage of the proceedings ➤ maintaining contact with clients so that they are always informed about the current state of criminal proceedings, even if they are serving a sentence or in custody ➤ representation of injured parties in criminal proceedings, including the exercise of the right to compensation for damage and non-pecuniary damage
Labour law
➤ preparation of employment contracts, management contracts, agreements on work performed outside the employment relationship ➤ termination of employment counselling ➤ preparation of the employer's internal guidelines and other regulations ➤ representation in labour disputes (employees and employers)
Medical law
➤ preparation of contractual documentation for the medical facilities ➤ advice on setting up a form of business in healthcare ➤ preparation of internal guidelines of the medical facility ➤ drafting legal opinions for healthcare and pharmacy care providers
Consulting for banks
➤ checking the creditworthiness of potential clients ➤ setting up contractual documentation ➤ advice on the possibility of securing credit and debt recognition ➤ debt collection with emphasis on time and financial aspects ➤ monitoring of the debtor in relation to possible insolvency proceedings, seizure or sale of the mortgaged property
Real estate
➤ comprehensive coverage of real estate transfer ➤ development projects ➤ preparation and revision of contracts ➤ verification of signatures / authorization of the real estate transfer contract ➤ ensuring the safekeeping of funds in the safekeeping account of our law firm ➤ submission of a proposal for deposit and representation in land registry office proceedings ➤ representation in construction proceedings
Register of public sector partners (RPVS)
➤ services of an authorized person of a public sector partner ➤ entry of the public sector partner in the register ➤ end-user verification of benefits ➤ we provide this service only in Slovakia
Other legal services
➤ verification of the creditworthiness of your clients and contractual partners (insolvency, seizure of assets, condition of assets), also possible as a permanent monitoring ➤ egal due diligence (in person or by virtual data room) - complete due diligence of the target company (target) with a focus on corporate documents, property, contracts and other legal areas (according to the business activities of a particular subject) ➤ regular reports on legislative changes ➤ training on your chosen topics in your company (training can also take place in German, Slovak, Czech or Hungarian) ➤ regular provision of legal services directly at the client's registered office (it is possible to arrange any interval)
If you have not found the services you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact us.
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